A landlord who illegally rented out an unsafe room to a family with a baby has been fined just £300 despite ignoring a legal request to fix an unsafe property.
Yousaf Younas, of Cartier Close, Warrington, failed to comply with a Prohibition Order served after inspectors visited his property at 58 Fitzherbert Street (pictured).
It banned the use of a ground-floor bedroom next to the kitchen due to serious fire safety concerns, and told him that works needed to be carried out before it could be occupied again.
However, the bedroom was later found to be in use by a young family while Younas had failed to carry out any works to reduce the fire risk. He pleaded guilty at Warrington Magistrates’ Court and was also ordered to pay £100 costs and a £34 victim surcharge.
Cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection, councillor Hitesh Patel (pictured), says: “The successful prosecution serves as a warning to other landlords that we will not hesitate to prosecute landlords who fail to comply with legal notices and don’t take the health and safety of their tenants seriously.”
Facebook caution Meanwhile, in Coventry, a landlord has been issued with a formal caution after he posted details of his tenant’s rent arrears on Facebook and then shared it with her friends and family in a bid to humiliate her. The landlord also shared her employment details and address, although he subsequently deleted the post.
The tenant complained to the council’s landlord and tenant liaison officer who issued the caution which can prevent a landlord from obtaining licences, including the ability to manage an HMO. She could also choose to bring a civil action.
Councillor David Welsh, cabinet member for housing and communities, says: “This sends out a clear message to landlords that Coventry City Council will do all it can to protect its residents from unlawful eviction and harassment.”
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