We’ve all seen the news, with changes in regulations and tax and interest rate rises, landlords have been flocking to sell their property portfolios.
But with so many properties, all full with tenants, some of them with problems, low rents or even rent skipping, how can you get out fast?
The answer is: Landlord Sales Agency. We know the mammoth effort it takes to get rental properties ready for sale, to market them, to liaise with tenants or worse, evict tenants.
That’s why from the moment you contact us, our team takes everything off your hands. We know exactly what it takes to sell tenanted properties, fast, and the results from landlords who have contacted us speak for themselves – most of our property portfolios sell in less than 28 days.
It might seem too good to be true in this current market where landlords are struggling to get out, but for us at Landlord Sales Agency, it really is that simple.
Our team of incredible portfolio exit specialists deal with every single issue, liaise with your tenants, collect all the materials for sale, arrange viewings and even assist with out of date certificates or repairs on the properties.
Tenants are no issue – in most cases, our huge private database of new landlord buyers queuing up to buy and our extensive network of the top property buying companies means that we’re able to sell your properties tenanted with zero hassle. In some cases, our buyers are so confident with our process, they don’t even need a viewing to buy.
This, combined with our modern auction techniques which create a bidding war on your properties to drive up prices, mean that we really will get you the best possible price in the fastest possible time, allowing you to relax from the moment you call us and knowing that you’ll have exited your property portfolio with the money in the bank in weeks rather than months.
Landlord Sales Agency have a powerful database of over 30,000 private buyers and portfolio buying companies who want to buy whole portfolios straight away,and who are alerted every time we have a portfolio to sell We focus on a quality fast sale, rather than a cheap fast sale and ensure that our buy-to-let portfolios are sold fast, often in less than 28 days. We also ensure that we never compromise on the sale price no matter how much work your portfolio needs. We typically achieve 80 – 90% of the market value, and for that we cover all the costs and take away all the hassle that comes with selling the portfolio. We’re completely transparent, so you know exactly what we’re making. You won’t get a higher price for the service, and any company promising you 100% market value is hiding a huge list of costs that are going to come after the sale. That’s not the case with us. It’s what makes us different. We’re a company created by landlords for landlords, so we now exactly what you need to do to overcome all the hurdles and release you from financial stress, including rising taxes, interest rates and bills. In some cases we’re even able to help out with cash advances. There’s no one like us out there, and we’ve built up an unbeatable record for helping landlords which is why we’re the number one go-to company for our partners, including LandlordZONE We’re so confident in our ability to sell tenanted properties in a matter of days and, at the very most, weeks, that in the cases where the buyers do want your properties empty, we even work with tenants to help them find new accommodation plus in some cases pay for their deposits and first month of rent to ensure they’re able to leave fast, and they’re happy knowing they’re safely in a brand new home.
No one else goes as far as we do to get you exactly what you need. That’s what makes Landlord Sales Agency the unbeatable solution out there for landlords looking to sell.
So if you’re looking sell your buy-to-lets, let us take the stress off your hands and get you the best price, no matter what condition your portfolio is in.
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