The HMO Network has achieved another milestone in its growth by signing up its twentieth member since launching in January.
The group aims to help landlords find agents with specialist knowledge and gives members the benefit of being part of a larger group by providing supplier offers and training.
Its members now manage some 3,250 HMO tenancies across the UK and is the only network of its type, with a vision of continuing to drive up standards across the HMO management sector. Its first Welsh agent is based in Cardiff and there are more agents now waiting to join.
Quality Founder Neil Baldock (main picture), who owns Chelmsford-based agency Charles David Casson, says the quality of members is exceptional.
“Our application process means that only bonafide, reputable HMO management agents are accepted into the network and they have the correct insurance policies and memberships to operate legally as a managing agent in the UK and are experienced in this specialist field,” he says.
“We are providing landlords with a network they can place their trust in when looking for an experienced and reputable managing agent.”
Baldock adds: “The level of knowledge sharing and collaboration happening is exceptional and landlords can benefit from this by choosing a member of The HMO Network when looking for an HMO managing agent.”
Agents who want to join up should contact Baldock to apply for membership and secure their exclusive territory.
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